Transition to 8 · European Societies in Flux

Publish on 9 December 2024

Launch of Creative Europe project “Transition to 8: European Societies in Flux”

New European Project Combines Art, Technology, and Social Sciences to Illuminate the Impact of Air Pollution on Communities

Duration: 1 Nov 2024 – 31 Oct 2026

Locations: Eleusis, Greece | Rennes, France | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Yerevan, Armenia

How does the human body experience the effects of air pollution? How are digital technology and biometric data woven into artistic creations? How do communities across Europe respond to environmental impacts?

Transition to 8: European societies in flux” (TT8) is an innovative project implemented within the Creative Europe framework, that integrates social sciences, technology, and contemporary art, through participatory cultural activities, aiming to raise awareness and mobilise large social groups on the effects of air pollution and its social dimensions. It lays the foundation for an expanded role of art in society, using creativity to promote climate action in line with the EU Green Deal and to advance a reimagined, cross-cultural dialogue on the effects of air pollution.

Implemented by the organisations MENTOR, Electroni[k], MoTA and TAI, TT8 offers an unprecedented approach to environmental awareness, by inviting European communities to confront pressing environmental issues together. 

It draws on information and communication technologies, sociopsychology, and contemporary art practices, integrated with community participatory activities such as bodystorming and sociodrama, designed for participants to recognize their shared challenges and reflect on urban environmental issues. 

During these activities, wearable sensors capture biometric data, ‘translating’ participants’ emotional and physical responses into audiovisual elements. 

The data then become the raw material for digital and electronic music artists, who create original works that will debut in a series of exhibitions and performances across Greece, France, Slovenia, and Armenia, including high-profile festival events like SONICA in Slovenia and Maintenant in France.

Over the course of two years, the project encompasses a capacity building programme, an art residency programme for electronic music producers and digital artists, artist workshops, open studio days, community participatory activities all culminating in exhibitions and performances. Local activities are set to unfold throughout 2025, leading up to major festivals and final showcases in 2026!

The project is co-funded by the European Union, and builds upon a specific methodology developed by MENTOR, the University of Athens Department of Psychology and Athena Research Centre during the research project “Transition to 8: Bridging social issues, tech and contemporary art”, that was implemented in Eleusis from 2020 until June 2023 within the framework of the European Fund for Regional Development, under the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020”.

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