Goupile‘s music exists in an imaginary place between the intimacy of a bedroom and the communal space of a club. Stemming from improvisations on her modular synth, an analog companion with whom she converses, her productions weave together electronic and organic materials (wind instruments, field recordings…).
Louise Goupil comes from a classical academic background (piano, then clarinet), from which she branched out into traditional music (Breton, then Klezmer and Balkan) and chanson alongside Camille Hardouin. As a self-taught musician, she began to learn the art of MAO and sampling. Also a researcher, she has been interested since her thesis in free improvisation (with no harmonic or rhythmic framework), and more generally in the way we communicate with sounds. Previously a member of the Rennes duo MALADE[S], she released her first solo EP “La Mer Intérieure“, at the end of 2023, via 110100100.global. Reflecting her passion for electronic, experimental and modal music linked to trance and dance, this project is also a short film, made with dancer Mathilde Roussin and filmmaker Eva Bedon.