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Festival Maintenant

Since 2001, Electroni[k] has been developing a project dedicated to today’s artistic creation in the fields of sound, image and new media, with a particular focus on multidisciplinary and innovative creations. Every year in October, the association produces the festival Maintenant, imagined as a snapshot of contemporary artistic practices, and creates with its partners multiple cultural action devices all year round for a wide range of audiences around the keywords arts, music and technology.

Find out more about the history of the festival below.

Maintenant invites new explorations in Rennes and throughout its metropolis, and offers an adventure for curious audiences, an original urban journey, from intimate encounters to monumental installations. Creations, encounters, concerts, exhibitions, installations, performances, workshops… all these formats invite the poetic discovery of innovative and sensitive proposals, in a process of shared encounters and an original relationship with the city.

Maintenant is:

  • up to 20,000 spectators
  • around 15 venues invested each year
  • from 50 to 100 guest artists
  • from local to international
  • concerts, exhibitions, workshops and performances

Previous editions
