France | Edition 2023 /

Sacha Gattino

© Elie Blanchard

Sacha Gattino lives in Rennes as a musician, percussionist and sound designer. At an early age he studied classical dance at the Paris Opéra, then photography and the visual arts at the Université Paris 8. He took various sound courses at IRCAM, played Mandingo and Indonesian percussion (Java Gamelan) and piano (with Mami Chan), and has been working with computer music since 1997. For the past 25 years, he has been sharing his research and sound creations in a highly eclectic way: fashion, live performance, museums, interactive applications, spatial installations, project management in sound design, teaching in art schools, some music venues and art centres. Over the course of his commissions and travels, his studio has grown to include hundreds of instruments from near and far: derisory and domestic objects, rare and precious instruments, toys, antiques, made-to-measure instruments, as well as electro-organic and digital tools. In particular, he examines and explores instrumental acoustics using a wide range of techniques: prepared instruments, hijacked instruments, switching techniques, hybridisation and microtonality. For some years now, he has been working with extended percussion ensembles combined with real-time electro-acoustics.

Original concept and music: Sacha Gattino
Visual design and production: Elie Blanchard
Delegated production: Electroni[k]
Associate producer: Antipode
Coproductions: Stereolux, Le Tintinnabulum Studio
Partnership: CCNRB
Assistant director and camera: Thomas Lanza
Lighting assistant: Sébastien Thomas
Editing: Victoria Follonier

La Combinatoire à Combines is produced with the support of DRAC Bretagne

Acknowledgements: Pierre Nouvel, Karine Lebrun, FRAC Bretagne, HOMME PLISSÉ ISSEY MIYAKE, Florian Jégu, Festival Serendip, Festival Autres Mesures.
