Terra Australis
Pierre Huyghe (Ephere) & Ella Daly
Sold out
Thursday 5 and Friday 6 October, 2023
01:00 pm to 01:20 pm / 06:00 pm to 06:20 pm
University of Rennes 2 – Bat. D Plateau Bourdon
Free with reservation
An ancient concept referring to a hypothetical continent located in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, Terra Australis, or “Southern Land”, would create a geographical balance with the lands of the northern hemisphere. Since the dawn of time, it has inspired a mythical imagination that has led to numerous explorations, including the discovery of the Kerguelen Islands in 1772. Combining the arts and sciences, the Terra Australis musical performance is the fruit of collaboration between Ella Daly, a biologist and researcher at Rennes 1 University, and Pierre Huyghe, a musician working on the notion of the soundscape.
During an expedition to the Kerguelen Islands to study the impact of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems, Ella Daly recorded numerous soundscapes which Pierre Huyghe then translated into melodic, textured ambient music.
The spectators are plunged into the dark, at the heart of a dreamlike musical universe, an ode to contemplation that calls for letting go and reconnecting with nature.
In pictures
Ella Daly‘s photographs and recordings were made during a mission funded by the French Polar Institute.
The performance is associated with an exhibition of Terra Australis silver photographs at Rennes 2.
In partnership with the University of Rennes 2.