
Sacrifice Seul

© DR

Charlie Aubry joins the isdaT (Higher Institute of Arts of Toulouse) where he obtains his DNAP in 2012 and his DNSEP in 2014, both with the congratulations of the jury. He rapidly develops installations that bring together various objects that he assembles, tinkers with and diverts. These structures are often autonomous and are activated thanks to programmed digital scores that frequently generate sound material.

At the same time, he develops performative musical projects using short-circuited machines and various recordings that he accumulates to the point of total confusion of sounds. He performs under the name Sacrifice Seul. From 2013, he will be collaborating regularly with the company Maguy Marin. In 2014, he composes the soundtrack of the show BiT and then the soundtrack of DEUX MILLE DIX SEPT played live during the performance. In 2018, he signs the music and the scenography of the last creation Ligne de Crète.



Artiste présenté avec le soutien de SHAPE platform, co-financé par le programme Europe Creative de l’Union Européenne.


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