“Utopie Radicale” ‣ Chapter 2 – Ambivalences #3 – Caen

Publish on 6 April 2023

Ambivalences #3 – Political Mutations

The progressive digitization of our societies is bringing about profound transformations in many aspects of our lives: access to information, knowledge, culture, changes in social and economic relations… How are these changes modifying the balance of power in the social field? What are the political implications? How do today’s artists look at these changes and in what ways do they use these technologies in their work to convey a political discourse and reveal their emancipating, alienating or subversive dimension?


Chapter 2 – Utopie Radicale

Thursday May 04, 2023 – 2:00 PM
Festival ]Interstice[ – Le Dôme, Caen

Based on Alice Carabédian‘s essay Utopie Radicale, this meeting deals with utopia in different aspects, starting from a simple and powerful postulate: to write future utopias more “vigorous than laser warheads” so that they inspire and infuse. Utopia is not defined as an end to be achieved but as a fiction intended to open up the imagination. The dystopia is not a failed utopia but the progress achieved. “Faced with catastrophe, will we dare to dream of other worlds” when dystopia seems to be our daily life?



Alice Carabédian, doctor of political philosophy and author of Utopie Radicale (Seuil, 2022)

Céline Ohrel, director, actor and author of the plays Halloween Together, MY STORY and Summertime

Cécile Babiole, artist and co-author with Anne Laforet of Wikifémia, a project by Roberte la Rousse (UV Éditions, 2022)

Charleyne Biondi, doctor in political science and author of Dé-coder, une contre-histoire du numérique (BOUQUINS, 2023)

Cendres Delort, multidisciplinary artist and comedian.

The exchanges are moderated by Pauline Briand, journalist and author.


 Ambivalences is based on the festivals Maintenant in Rennes, Scopitone with the Labo Arts & Tech in Nantes and ]interstice[ in Caen. It emanates from an inter-regional dynamic carried by Electroni[k] (Brittany), Stereolux (Pays de La Loire) and Oblique/s (Normandy). It is part of the reflections carried by the national network HACNUM, around the stakes specific to the actors and the sector of the hybrid arts and digital cultures.


Identité visuelle : Studio Triple

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