Silk Screen printing workshops

La Bonne Pioche



Saturday the 2nd and Sunday the 3rd October 2021

11:00 to 13:00 / 16:00 to 18:00

La Salle de la Cité

More about the venue

Totebag : 10 €
Print : 7 €
Postal card : 4 €

Dans une démarche locale et éco-responsable, Maintenant festival confie la micro-édition des objets de merchandising à La bonne pioche !

Rendez-vous au cœur de festival à la Salle de la Cité, le premier week-end, pour sérigraphier l’identité visuelle 2021 en monochromie, sur textile et sur papier. Repartez avec un totebag, une affiche ou une carte postale !


  • Totebag workshop – 10 € – Limited edition of 80 copies
    Saturday 2 Oct. & Sunday 3 Oct. from 11am to 1pm : Silk-printing on texite.
    Printed with white ink on a blue totebag. 


  • Poster workshop – 7 € – Limited edition of 100 copies
    Saturday 2 Oct. – 4pm to 6pm : Silk-printing on paper
    Paper “Clairefontaine, Maya, 185g/m2, night blue” – format 29,7×29,7cm
    Printed with white ink.


  • Postal card workshop – 4 €
    Dimanche 3 Oct. – 4pm to 6pm : Silk-printing on paper
    2 versions : Phenakistiscope or Character.
    Colors : white ink on blue paper or blue ink on white paper.
    Paperr “Clairefontaine, Maya, 185g/m2” – format 10 x 14,85 cm


Discover the merchandising printed during the workshops:
















You can still buy your souvenirs of Festival Maintenant 2021 on our shop !


In 2021, the visual identity is a phenakistiscope, by the duo Icinori. Fascinated by the printed image and the engraving, nourished by popular imagery and contemporary drawing, their works are tinged with dreaminess. These craftspeople of the image are constantly experimenting with the union between drawing, paper and color. More information on the visuel identity :


Marlène, Line and Romane are three visual artists united under the collective La bonne pioche. It is through the silk-screen printed image that they express their collective practice. They set up a process of creation as a way to give shape to their respective imaginary. A word, an expression, an idea, a sensation can be the beginning of graphic productions. Three images, created individually, complement each other on the printing medium. The composition plays with forms, superimpositions and colors questioning the abstract image.
